
ARCH:ID (Indonesia Architecture Conference and Exhibition)

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ARCH:ID (Indonesia Architecture Conference and Exhibition)

ARCH:ID (Indonesia Architecture Conference & Exhibition)

Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia (IAI) and PT Citra Inovasi Strategi Exhibition (C.I.S) jointly organize ARCH:ID (Indonesia Architecture Conference and Exhibition) which will be held from 27 – 29 February 2020 at Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City – Tangerang, Indonesia. The theme for this event is “Let’s Talk – Mari Bicara”. This 3-days Event will be packed with Conference, Exhibition, Leaders Meeting, Networking, Talk Series, Awarding and many more.

ARCH:ID, will be a forum for ongoing dialogues between Architects & Construction industry players in Indonesia. These dialogues will be developed within a medium & long term framework. Architects who acquire many ideas will dialogue with the industry to guarantee the economic sustainability. They will convey all the ideas and visions and the construction industry will answer the challenges & opportunities presented.

ARCH:ID will bring together over 10.000 professionals of architects, designers, engineers, urban planners, project owners, government institutions, property developers, academicians, students and other related stakeholders. ARCH:ID presents the most effective platform to showcase your best exhibits of the latest cutting-edge products, technologies, best design and brands to these captive attendees.

Synergy between IAI & PT CIS to Support the Indonesian Architect Industry

Indonesia Institute of Architect (IAI) dan PT Citra Inovasi Strategi (CIS) Exhibition will be launching its inaugural Architectural Event, ARCH:ID Conference and Exhibition which will be held from 27 – 29 February 2020 at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City – Tangerang. The theme for this event is “Let’s Talk – Mari Bicara”. This 3-days Event will be packed with Conference, Exhibition, Leaders Meeting, Networking, Talk Series, Awarding and many more.

ARCH:ID Conference and Exhibition will be a forum for ongoing dialogues between Architects and Construction industry players in Indonesia. This is the platform where Architects will dialogue and exchange ideas with the industry players to support the growth of infrastructure and buildings which are one of the vital driving elements for economic sector. 
Through this activity, Architects will convey their ideas and visions and the Industry will answer this challanges and opportunities. This dialetics is expected to be continuous dialogue. This 2-days conference will present line-up of renowned International and Local speakers.

In addition to Conference, ARCH:ID will feature Exhibition that focus on architecture and design. This is a good opportunity for the producers and distributors to showcase their latest products and technologies and give inspiration/ ideas for Architects, specifiers and buyers to find out the latest products and materials. ARCH:ID will present unique experiential for visitors and will be curated by Andra Martin, Danny Wicaksono and Wiyoga Nurdiansyah.

ARCH:ID will showcase products and services like Adhesives & Sealant, Advance Materials, Alarm & Automation Systems, Architecture and Interior Design, Retrofitting Specialists, AV, Electrical & Electronic Technologies & Solutions, Bath, Sanitary Ware & Accessories, Building Hardware Products & Materials, Building Technology: BIM/CAD, Carpet, Laminate, Floor Surfaces Materials, Systems, Finishes & Products, Decorative Finishes/Paints/Coating, Drainage, Exterior Architectural Finishes, Materials, Systems & Products, Furniture – Hospitality, Leisure, Entertainment, Office & Commercial and all elements related to building construction.

Ahmad Djuhara as President of IAI (Indonesia Institute of Architect) said “In facing the challenges of Indonesia going forward, IAI and C.I.S jointly organized ARCH:ID which will be a forum for dialogue between Architects and Construction industry stakeholders in Indonesia. We look forward to all parties to take part in building long-term dialogue for Indonesia”.

Andra Matin as ARCH:ID Curator added “The theme of this year’s conference is “Let’s Talk – Mari Bicara”, we will also present a Conference that will invite speakers from Indonesia and International speakers with different views and building design perspective. This is the right moment for stakeholders to dialogue, exchange ideas about the latest industry issues in order for the industry to compete in the global industry in the future”.

ARCH:ID Exhibition will target 15.000 visitors with profile categories of Architects, Builders & Contractors, Property Developers, Interior Designers, M&E Engineers, Government/Institutional Buyers, Quantity Surveyors, Distributors & Agents, Importers & Exporters, Manufactures, Suppliers & Traders, Marketing Consultants and relevant stakeholders.

ARCH:ID Conference is targeting more than 500 delegates from IAI members in all provinces in Indonesia and Architects to congregate in this Event, for knowlege-sharing, networking, building business relationship and be a part of this significant Event to build a better architecture for Indonesia. 

To participate and find out further information about ARCH:ID, please contact CIS Exhibition at 021-83796833 or 0812-94292503 and mail to or visit

Tentang ARCH:ID
ARCH:ID adalah kerjasama sinergis antara IAI dan PT CIS dalam mebentuk sebuah kegiatan Arsitektur dalam 1 paket yaitu Konferensi Arsitekur se Indonesia & Pameran Business to Business (B2B) yang diselenggarakan dengan debut pertama tahun 2020.

Tentang IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia)
IAI didirikan secara resmi pada tanggal 17 September 1959 di Bandung. IAI telah beranggotakan lebih dari 11.000 arsitek yang terdaftar melalui 27 kepengurusan daerah dan 2 kepengurusan cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. 
IAI aktif dalam kegiatan internasional melalui keanggotaannya di ARCASIA (Architects Regional Council of Asia) sejak tahun 1972 dan di UIA (Union Internationale des Architectes) sejak tahun 1974, serta AAPH (Asean Association Planning and Housing) di mana IAI merupakan salah satu pendirinya.
Di dalam negeri pun selain bermitra dengan pemerintah, IAI tetap aktif bergaul dengan asosiasi profesi lain, seperti melalui keanggotaan dalam Lembaga Pegembangan Jasa Konstruksi dan Forum Asosiasi Profesi Jasa Konstruksi.

Tentang PT Citra Inovasi Strategi Exhibition, Penyelenggara HOMEDEC Indonesia
PT Citra Inovasi Strategi Exhibition didirikan untuk mewujudkan tujuan strategis klien serta mengadakan pameran yang inovatif. PT CIS Exihibition memiliki kompetensi dan pengetahuan untuk memahami dan memenuhi tujuan klien, serta di saat yang sama, mempelajari praktik terbaik di industri terkait untuk memberikan pameran yang berkualitas serta berstandar internasional guna memaksimalkan investasi klien. 
Tim ini juga didukung oleh C.I.S Network Sdn Bhd selaku partner kami, penyelenggara pameran di Malaysia dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun dan ahli dalam pameran yang inovatif.

For more information about ARCH:ID, please contact :

Phone : (021) 8379 6833
Mobile : +62812 9429 2503
Email :
Website :

ARCH:ID (Indonesia Architecture Conference and Exhibition)

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